Mar 10, 2009

Some things I learned so YOU don't have to!

Ryan and I were lucky enough to move into a new house! Perfect timing, 8 months prego and moving! That is the first thing I would not do, I would make the decision much sooner and not have to rely on so many other people to get you moved! But our family and friends were so good to help and not let me work! The next bit of advise I have is to measure all items you wish to purchase to go into the house! We have more space than ever and needed some new couches in the basement. We have had our eyes on a sectional for about 6 months now and decided on night just to get it! We got it home the next day and tried getting it down the stairs (that aren't straight down.) THey have a few steps then a curve. The couches didn't fit. We just didn't believe it and had more friends over to help get them down. We first took the light sconces off the walls, then the rails to make more room . It didn't work so after hours of trying the couches ended up on top of each other upstairs. We kept debating whether or not we should just take them back, of course we couldn't do that. We agreed on them, how could we return them and take 6 more months to find another set we agreed on?? So Ryan and his brother decided they had scratched the walls enough and taken almost everything out they could except for... a WALL? yep, our brand new wall got about 6 inches cut out of it just to make the couches fit, and luckily they did! The man that build the house is so nice and said he would come over and re-do the edge that got demoed! My friends keep telling me to put pics of the house up and I will once it is all cute and decorated, so if you have any good decorating tips please, please send them my way!

The wall actually stuck out about 6 inches past this so we took quite a bit out. I should not say we, I was on the phone with Tara because I couldn't believe what was going on inside my house!

The wall all in a pile!

The stairway after a little touch up before new paint!

FInally after hours and hours they fit!! yay, now all I need is some tips on decorating!

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