Brennan, Andrew and Ryan
The team after their last game!
It has been so long since I posted! We went rafting down the provo river with Mike and Diana this week! I loved doing it. It took about 2 hours to get down but so much fun! We love hanging out with them, they are always up for a good time!
Me and my friend Syanna went to San Diego last weekend for a little getaway. As nice as it was to be on vacation I missed Ry so stinkin much! I could not wait to get home and kiss him! Im so lucky!!!
We went to the horse races, I am not a huge gambler because I don't like losing money so I only betted a few races then just enjoyed looking at the horses!
Me, Sy and Jen at the beach.
I took this pic and sent it to ry because I missed him so much!
Lagoon~ We met my parents and little sisters up at lagoon a few weekends ago, It was so much fun, Mckell and Camber are a lot braver than me and ry!
Dutch oven Dinners
Ryan made an awesome dutch oven dinner for us and we went up hobble creek canyon with Mike and Diana. We had lots of fun making smores and just enjoying each others company!
Ryan and Mike!
Diana and Marley
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