Jun 2, 2008

Me and Ry had a really good night last night and I thought I would share.  We went running and then to his softball game.  Afterwards we went with Halee and Andrew to play a little tennis! It was really fun.  The reason I am saying this is because Recently we have started doing more physical things outdoors together and it's awesome, I think it is one of the best things for a marriage to get out and be active! There is something about seeing each other reach goals, or excel in a new sport (which is tennis for me) that is really awesome.  Ry was so patient with me while teaching me the rules of tennis and how to's.  He plays softball with a bunch of his friends from high school and I really enjoy watching him, he's pretty good, even though he says he is not.  So at his game I was thinking that is was cool how he still keeps in touch with all those guys and thought about my girls!! I love you all, we had the time of our lives! Im sorry meg my bff that your head is a little cut out but it's the best pic I had! That pic is from the night of Angies wedding before the reception.  Im so greatful to have all of you in my life and hope all is well!! Missy and I went to lunch the other day and decided we should all do a girls trip to powell this summer.  I think we are going to try for some time in the beginning of August so look on your calendars and keep in touch!

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